The grooming gang scandal in the UK is sometimes dismissed as an Islamophobic conspiracy theory. However, investigations in Telford, Bradford, Rochdale, Rotherham, and Oldham have revealed that this disturbing practice is not only a real phenomenon but also unquestionably the largest child sex exploitation scandal in UK history.
What are Grooming Gangs?
The Abuse
The Perpetrators
The Scale
The Response
The Future
1. What are grooming gangs?
This is Ella’s harrowing story.
She was targeted as a teenager by a Pakistani gang and soon she was being sent around various towns in Northern England to be gang-raped & tortured. After a failed honour killing, she went to the police and they did nothing.
Stories like this aren’t uncommon. When the Telford Inquiry was released last year, it illuminated the practice of grooming and the extent of the abuse. The method of grooming often followed a similar pattern;
The perpetrators would approach vulnerable underage girls (typically those who are missing from home) often by virtue of the man’s job as a taxi driver or food delivery driver
The perpetrators would give the children lifts, buy them fast food, alcohol, and/or top up their mobile phones with credit
They’d encourage the children to become involved in sexual activity, which they were led to believe was a normal part of the relationship, despite the vast age difference
The perpetrators would make the children effectively dependent on them by forcing them to cut ties with their families
Begin abusing the children with violence interspersed with buying gifts as a mode of exerting control
Become the most important person in the child’s life and begin to ask for favours, such as having sex with the perpetrators’ friends/family
2. The Abuse
The level of abuse detailed in these reports is highly disturbing. There were multiple accounts in Telford Inquiry of children being driven by a grooming gang member to a remote location at night, where the perpetrator would threaten to abandon them if they did not engage in sexual behaviour; or would simply rape them.
Nightclubs, restaurants and takeaways were venues in which children would be taken into rooms within the premises in order to be gang-raped by multiple men. Shockingly, there was a ‘rape house’ in Wellington which had been operating for years. One victim in the Inquiry disclosed;
“The men were rotating, taking turns to rape me. It seemed to go on forever. Once I started to get the feeling back in my body, I struggled and kicked out, and they forcibly held me”
When the girls attempted to end the abuse, the men would threaten their family and remind them of what happened to Lucy Lowe, a grooming gang victim who was burned alive by her abuser, along with her family in a deliberate house fire. Lucy had a child with her abuser when she was only 14-years-old.
“Abusers would remind girls of what had happened to Lucy Lowe and would tell them that they would be next if they ever said anything. Every boy would mention it”
During Operation Chalice, disclosures were made that there were minibuses full of children being trafficked out of Telford for the purposes of child gang rape. Witnesses have said the 1,000 abused children figure being touted is ‘conservative’ or ‘tame’.
In the Bradford CSE Thematic Child Safeguarding Practice Review, a case study highlights a 14-year-old individual, referred to as "Anna," who was placed into care with her abusers. A troubled child, Anna was allocated to a residential facility for children. During her time there, she would frequently go missing, and the staff documented instances of her associating with older males of Asian descent. Whilst she was still living in the residential placement, At fifteen, Anna began to wear full Muslim dress, adopted a Muslim name and told CSC that she had been married to an adult male ‘boyfriend’ in a Nikah ceremony (Nikah is a Muslim wedding at which the bride does not have to be present as long as she sends two witnesses to the drawn-up agreement). The report revealed Anna’s social worker attended the Nikah ceremony and the children’s home legitimised the wedding by referring to her abuser as her ‘husband’ and his parents as her ‘mother-in-law’ and ‘father-in-law’. Incredibly, she was placed into foster care with the family. Whilst in the ‘care’ of this Muslim family, she was subjected to further sexual abuse and exploitation, domestic abuse including assaults and coercion and what would is now recognised as domestic slavery. Many reports of abuse and assault were not addressed, and Anna had two children whilst she was still a looked after child.
All the victims were non-Muslim and while there were a handful of Sikh victims, the overwhelming majority of girls were White British. There are countless testimonies from girls highlighting the racial element of the abuse. A 13-year-old from Keighley recalled how she was called a “little White slag” and a “little White bastard” while she was being raped. Another told of how she was referred to as a “White cunt” and a “White whore” repeatedly and stated that her Whiteness was always at the forefront of the abuse, as well as her status as a non-Muslim. The grooming gang scandal is the most egregious example of racism in modern Britain. In a country where British people are told they have White privilege, our most vulnerable are raped because they are White and their abusers are granted clemency because they are Asian/Muslim
3. The Perpetrators
The findings from the Telford Inquiry confirm that a significant proportion of CSE offenders were 'of South Asian descent', encompassing all the individuals prosecuted in their operations. While there are instances of individuals from Bangladeshi, Iraqi, Afghani, Indian, Iranian, Turkish, and Sikh backgrounds being involved, as highlighted by former detective Maggie Oliver in "The Betrayed Girls" documentary, the majority are Pakistani Muslim men. These men were often observed loitering near schools. A testimony from one girl mentioned that it was not uncommon for boys of Asian descent to intimidate girls with threats of assault and violence. In a documentary, an individual of Pakistani origin acknowledged targeting vulnerable 13-year-old girls, reasoning that older girls would not be susceptible to their manipulative tactics.
At the time of Operation Chalice, there were only approximately 1,000 adult male Muslims in Telford. The operation arrested 67 men, meaning 7% of the male Muslim population in the town were arrested for raping underage girls.
Last year 29 men were charged with rape of a single minor in Bradford. Here are their names and charges;
So why is this prevalent in the South Asian Muslim community?
A recent survey in Pakistan revealed that a woman is raped every two hours, with a conviction rate of only 0.2 per cent. In Bangladesh, nearly a quarter of all girls are married at 15 and 59% are married at 18 - there is no data for Pakistan. A bill in 2016 to ban child marriages in Pakistan was withdrawn after the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) declared it un-Islamic. In Yemen, 8-year-olds are married, raped and beaten, such as the story of Nujood Ali.
According to this cleric, there is a consensus among the Tafsir scholars allowing Muslim men to marry girls prior to menstruation, even going as far to saying babies can be married. These attitudes towards child marriage and sexual abuse are not limited to Islamic countries — there are many examples (1, 2, 3) of Muslims who live in the UK who believe child marriage should be allowed.
4. The Scale
To best understand the scope of these crimes, here’s a list of the towns and cities where Muslim grooming gangs have been found to be operating; Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Manchester, Oldham, Bradford, Birmingham, Newcastle, Oxford, Halifax, Leeds, London, Huddersfield, Derby, Keighley, Peterborough, Bristol, Coventry, Middlesbrough, Burton-on-Trent, Nottingham, Hull, Yeovil, Accrington, Sheffield, Aylesbury, St Helens, Glasgow, Blackpool, Bolton, Kirklees, Leicester, Ipswich, Barking, Carlisle, Brierfield, Preston, Banbury, Skipton, Blackburn, Chelmsford, Dewsbury, High Wycombe, Walsall, Batley, Colne, Wakefield, Gateshead, Stockport, Birkenhead, Burnley, Nelson, Ilford, Redditch, and Wendover. In total, there have been 55 locations where the abuse has been found to have taken place. This list is not exhaustive and in many cities there has been multiple gangs that have been arrested. Just one vulnerable schoolgirl said she was abused by approximately 100 Asian men in Halifax.
Former prosecutor within the Crown Prosecution Service Nazir Afzal estimates that up to 100,000 underage girls are being abused every year. Former Labour MP for Rotherham Sarah Champion estimates that one million children have been sexually abused by Muslim grooming gangs.
Research from 2020 examined the prosecution rate between 1997 and 2017 for group CSE and found that of the 498 accused individuals, 83% were of Asian descent and only 85 had non-Muslim names. This indicates that 1 in 2200 Muslims above the age of 16 have been arrested for grooming gang crimes. In other terms, Muslims are 92.7 times more likely to be prosecuted for group CSE than non-Muslims. For comparison, men have only a nine-fold higher chance of being arrested for murder than women.
Grooming gang survivors in Rotherham say they still see Asian men driving underage girls around.
5. The Response
5.1. The Authorities
The Telford inquiry confirmed that the police, child protection authorities, the council, parents and teachers were hesitant to address the issue of Muslim grooming gangs for fear of being called racist. The report also uncovered how senior members of the council were concerned that allegations against Asian involvement in sex trafficking would lead to “race riots”. With the following failures and coverups, one can only speculate that a top-down command to suppress the grooming gang scandal was issued to the police and other authoritative bodies, with our leaders preferring to sacrifice vulnerable children and continue with their multicultural agenda rather than stopping the abuse.
In Rotherham, Sara Rowbotham, a crisis intervention team co-ordinator who worked directly with abused girls, alerted children social care 181 times without any action being taken. After confessing to her mother that she was being raped by numerous Pakistani men, Emma, a 13-year-old from Rotherham, went to the police with a bag full of clothes covered in blood which she had worn when she was being raped — the police lost the evidence. Isabel, another girl from Rotherham, told how the police raided a house where she and Arshid Hussain were undressed however the police did not prosecute — later, Isabel would be arrested for carrying Arshid’s trudgen. Isabel also told how police would often stop Arshid while she was in his car and the Pakistani would often boast about how he’d play the race card in order to get away with his crimes. In 2013, Andrew Norfolk of The Times printed a story on the front page accusing Arshid Hussain of being a serial child rapist. The evidence brought forth by Andrew Norfolk was so strong it was enough to convince the newspaper’s lawyers to print the story, despite Arshid Hussain having never been questioned by the police for these crimes. Rotherham council put out an injunction to stop Laura Wilson’s serious case review to be released unredacted by Norfolk. Laura Wilson was a mentally challenged girl with an IQ of 56 who was groomed since she was 11-years-old and later repeatedly stabbed in the head in what would be the first known White honour killing in the UK. The council concealed the ethnicity of her groomers until unredacted copies of the review were obtained and published. An Independent Office for Police Conduct report found that the South Yorkshire police were aware of Arshid impregnating a 14-year-old and targeting young vulnerable girls in foster care for over 13 years prior to his arrest. The report also revealed that a chief inspector told the father of a missing girl that they would not be investigating his daughter’s sexual exploitation as the town “would erupt” if it was revealed that Pakistani men were targeting underage White girls for sex.
Over in Rochdale, One girl told how when the police would visit the houses where girls were being abused and when the girls told the police about being raped, the Muslim men would explain that they were drunk and the police would ignore the underage girls and in some cases arrest them for being drunk when they were crying out for help.
In Birmingham, the City Council buried a report linking Asian taxi drivers to child sexual exploitation victims back in 1990. They also secretly scrapped the plan to install CCTV into every taxi/cab to tackle grooming gangs.
In Scotland, a grooming gang comprised entirely of asylum seekers was taken down in a police operation. The nationalities of the 55 arrested men were: Kurdish, Afghani, Egyptian, Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani and Iraqi. The operation was covered up by Police Scotland and only revealed to the public after a newspaper investigation.
No matter the region, there appears to be a conspiracy to suppress these heinous crimes.
5.2 The Media
In 2020, a Home Office report into group-based child sex exploitation (CSE) was released. Despite the findings of the report, the Guardian ran this headline.

Yet only on page three, then Home Secretary Priti Patel acknowledges that the data is limited and Asian and Black demographics are overrepresented. In all five of the papers, it shows that White people (approximately 88% of the population at the time) are underrepresented and Asians (7% of the population) and Black people (3% of the population) are overrepresented.
When examining study b, which claims ‘White’ was the largest category, when we look into the report we see:
35% were White (with only 11% being British)
28% were of Asian & Middle Eastern descent (4x over base representation)
16% were Black (5.3x overrepresentation)
The majority of the studies involved Sue Berelowitz, a Jewish woman who was found to have failed to speak out about grooming gangs and took a redundancy from her role as a child protection commissioner. Even though the ‘Asian’ demographic is already overrepresented in all the papers cited in the Home Office CSE report, it is difficult to draw conclusions from such dated findings, considering the conspiracy of concealment around Muslim grooming gangs where only in the last few years are we starting to see mass arrests (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
For example, when a Home Office researcher did a report into Child Sexual Exploitation, she found the majority of offenders were from the ‘Asian community’. An official from the council told her never to refer to Asian men again and sent her on an ethnicity and diversity course. She was told to change her findings and would later have her data stolen. Wherever you look, there appears to be a conspiracy to hide the nature of Muslim grooming gangs.
Andrew Norfolk, the aforementioned journalist for The Times who would later win awards for covering the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal, admitted that he initially didn’t cover the grooming gang scandal because he didn’t want a right-wing party to use it to gain support in stopping immigration due to his ‘liberal politics’. Westerners has been inculcated with a perverted mindset to protect immigrants above their own.
In 2008, child protection chiefs commissioned a film on the dangers of grooming gangs to be shown to schoolgirls. However, according to those who produced the film, it was never shown due to the main groomer being cast as an Asian man. A second film was circulated around the school, depicting a White male as the abuser.
5.3 The Politicians
Former Labour MP Sarah Champion had to step down after writing an article about grooming gangs after facing criticism from party leader Jeremy Corbyn and Pakistani MP for Bradford Naz Shah. Meanwhile, Naz Shah retweeted “those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of #diversity.” She kept her job.
In 2018, then Home Secretary Sajid Javid wrote a personal letter to the ringleader of the notorious Rochdale grooming gang assuring him he wouldn’t get deported. The 51-year-old taxi driver Abdul Aziz ferried children to sex parties across Greater Manchester and Yorkshire and used hundreds of thousands of taxpayer’s money for legal aid in order to avoid deportation. Sajid himself is of Pakistani origin and was born in Rochdale, where Aziz walks the same streets he transported British children for sex.
5.4 The Muslim Community
While there has been some members of the Muslim community to speak out on grooming gangs, most notably Maajid Nawaz, whose Quilliam think-tank found that 84% of child grooming-gang offences since 2005 were committed by Muslims, there has also been lots of denial, obfuscation and brazen lying. The case of Amjad Ditta perhaps serves as a broader allegory for the disastrous handling by the police, the consequences of multiculturalism and the duplicitousness of the Muslim community.
Amjad Ditta was a police officer for the West Yorkshire who was hired as a “positive action coordinator” in order to drive ethnic minority recruitment. He was paraded on various public platforms, including the BBC, where he extolled the virtues of diversity and the importance of the police force reflecting the new communities which have settled in the UK. He was placed on panels with MP Naz Shah and visited mosques to help promote Muslim recruitment into the force.
In Oldham, Ditta addressed his Muslim brothers with this quote;
“There’s a lot of bad press going on out there, especially about our [Muslim] community and in my role, I firmly believe to be truly representative” — Amjad Ditta, 2017
Two years after claiming to be representative of the Muslim community, PC Amjad Ditta was found to be a member of a grooming gang along with 16 other men, 94% of whom were of Pakistani descent.
In a roundtable discussion about grooming gangs, a female Muslim tried to claim it’s not just a Pakistani problem and shifted the blame on the White mothers for allowing their children to get raped by Pakistani men, despite grooming gangs explicitly targeting vulnerable girls often in foster care.
6. The Future
Despite all the young lives ruined, the UK government is spending £2.5 billion a year to house illegal migrants in hotels, the majority of whom are fighting age Muslim men. The government understands the attitudes of these men by now, the evidence of rape and abuse is clear from the grooming gang scandal in the UK and in other European countries with large migrations of Muslims. In Wigan, an MP called for the hotels to stop housing asylum seekers amid claims of schoolgirls’ being harassed. In Windsor, two men being housed in a nearby hotel approached a group of schoolgirls asking for their snapchat, persisting until a local man admonished them. In Liverpool, an migrant was caught on camera asking for relations with a schoolgirl. Across the country, independent predator catchers are intercepting asylum seekers and recent migrants trying to meet up with children for sex on a daily basis.
In bygone days, the grooming gang scandal would be seen as an act of war and lead to serious discussions on mass deportation, but our leaders would rather vulnerable children get raped and tortured than address it. Their multicultural agenda supersedes the protection of our young.
Ask yourself why?